Our Team

Because Frank Member Ralph


(The Main Man)

Frank knows best. A natural operator, a born showstopper, and a pup that always delivers. Frank doesn’t chase balls. He lets them roll to the tips of his paws and strikes with fatal precision. A true people pleaser, Frank knows what buttons to press to get people eating out of his paw - and he’s wildly effective at it. He’s the K9 to sign. Why? Because Franks, Frank and everyone appreciates a real one.

Because Frank Member Sam


(Frank's Mate)

When he’s not trying to keep up with Frank, you’ll find him writing copy, creating content and developing websites. Sam founded Because Frank to cut straight to the point and help value-driven businesses meet their marketing needs. Sam is allergic to any corporate waffle. So if you want to synergistically maintain resource-levelling catalysts for change, then Frankly, Sam is not your guy.

#SSM#Web Dev#Copywriting
Throw Frank a ball

Just like your best mate, we're always up for a frank & friendly chat.